What You See Is What You Get!

Or is it? Maybe it is what we think we see. Sometimes it is what we do not see, or are not aware of what you see. Let's "see" if you are aware about what you see...

Redirection is a way to "pick the pocket" of your opponent. In basketball, it is a head fake or a look-away pass. Can we get them to think about what they should not be doing so they don't do what they should be doing? What you focus on decreases your awareness of what is going on around you. So watch and count...

So did you notice the mis-placed animal? Or were you too busy counting?

Now can you really trust what you see? Check this out...

Your perception not only depends on your position, but also on the other surroundings you observe.

Let's "see" what we can do on the Basketball Court again.

Your brain is smart enough to make adjustments over a period of time. As your brain gathers more feedback about how you respond to new "vision", it will get you back in alignment with Success. Now, can two people observe the same thing and see just the opposite? Here we go...

So let's "Face" it, and see what we really think is important.

Things to remember: When think we see what we see, remember there may be more than one way to look at it, or more than one way to interpret it. Illusions exist. Sometimes the neutral party observing from outside the situation has a better angle. Sometimes our memories are not reality. Be cautious! The brain is amazing, but it does make the wrong conclusion from time to time.